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**New Just Added- Ancestral Healing reading sessions

Ancestral Healing Sessions 

Opening you to your Ancestral and Spirit guidance

60 Minute Individual Healing Session bringing you clarity and guidance in your life. 

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The Path to Ancestral Healing & Opening Spirit Connections
Conference Pricing!!! Good through September 30, 2024

Curious Minds & Open Hearts- 

Includes Ancestral Tree

This is very transformational experience will include, opening up the deep connection with your ancestors and honoring your family's history.

We will build your personal online Ancestral tree, including ten hours of comprehensive research giving you a lasting record of your family's history.

And we will go deeply into understanding your Spirit/Spiritual experiences. We are each on a unique path and we experience communication differently.

This will open your pathways of Spirit communication in ways that you feel comfortable.

Together this experience will bring you a new level of understanding of yourself and your Spiritual connections.



**When you book you will sign up for our first 1 hour session.
Curious Minds & Open Hearts  a beginning...

This ninety minute session will include a closer look at your ancestral past giving you an understanding of what may have been passed down and deepening your connection with your ancestors.

We will talk about the spirit connections you may already be feeling and how to understand them, open them up and deepen them. I will help you discover ways of connecting that feel right for you.

It is the beginning of the journey and you will leave this session with knowledge and tools on how to continue on this path and a sense of peace that you have begun the journey.



Conference Pricing!!! Good through September 30, 2024

Need to ask questions first?

Book 30 min free session.

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