Our deep spiritual connection has always been there but it is often through
Grief that we discover it.
I have always been a seeker... always in wonder of the universe when I looked up at the stars. Always trying to understand the power greater than ourselves. I was brought up Catholic and so I understood somethings but the heavy ladened rules didn't make sense and I needed to look deeper, outside of the dogma. I don't know why this urge was there but it always was. I remember the first time I understood the Pope was infallible meaning he was never wrong. Actually, I didn't understand it at all. My young preteen thought was if the the Pope likes vanilla ice cream and I like chocolate...does that mean I'm wrong? I came to learn that it was only in church matters but it set off my curiosity, my personal journey for a deeper spiritual understanding.
It was not a quick journey. I didn't really know how to search and life got in the way. I got married, had three children and moved many times and thoughts became school schedules, sport schedules and what's for dinner.
But during that time, there was one spiritual experience that kept me deeply yearning to know more. A friend of mine suddenly and completely unexpected passed away. She was a young mother of two children. Our children were preschool friends and we spent a lot of time together. I was so devastated, not only had I lost a friend but the thought these two little children were now without a mom, was more than I could bear. She spiritually came to me two weeks later as I was hurriedly looking through pictures that my daughter needed for school. There was a picture of Patrice that I did not know I had. Her spirit came through me in the most energetic and healing way and the thought from her that was given me was "I am okay, you are okay, we are okay" I knew in that instance the other side existed. I became unafraid of death because I knew she was there. It was my first Spiritually Transformative Experience. Patrice stayed with me. She was always there as I continued to seek spiritual knowledge.
My more complete awakening came years later my husband became sick with Alcoholism. The grief and trauma of his illness set in. I found myself returning to prayer. I couldn't handle this on my own, I needed spiritual help. I actually went back to saying the rosary which was something I hadn't done since I was a child. I also spent a lot of time in ancestral research. It was my hobby and my side kick that I had done for years for my family and for many others. I felt a deep connection to the ancestors. It is one that we all have but many don't realize. I share those two things together because they brought about the true beginning of my spiritual awakening. My ancestors came to me as I was using the rosary. One came to me in a visitation, a dream, to tell me "We hear your prayers". The other began to channel the rosary through me in an Irish Brogue. It did not happen once but many many times. My husband passed away from his illness but my Spiritual awakening continued. I now have guide who is my constant companion and it is their wish their plan for me to bring this knowledge to others. It is my calling to do just that. We have love and support from the other side all around us wanting to connect. We are just not taught to how to talk back.
It is October and it is a time we think of spirits. Let me help you know and understand more, and help you begin your journey of awakening to open to the understanding of our spiritual journey and to connect with you Ancestors who a part of our spiritual family.
Reach out to me and learn more at Tellmeourstory.com and book a healing session to begin your journey.